About 40% of the small businesses don’t have a website to connect with the audience. Many potential customers will stop using your products if you don’t have a proper website. As a small business owner, build a small website for earning more revenue online. But if the website is missing some essential features, it will also lose many potential customers.
After knowing the critical components of a small website, you can explain the same to the designer. Made Simple Media is a web design company giving the right digital solutions to customers. They create a website keeping everything simple so that customers can easily navigate and find things on the website.
Essentials of small business website
- Having search engine optimized webpages
Whatever you are using as context, make sure of SEO. The contents must be SEO-friendly to make them visible to the audience. About 93% of online purchases start with a search engine. If the site is not optimized for search engines, it will not bring valuable traffic to the site.
SEO is such a crucial element for small businesses. When SEO is appropriately used, it will rank you on the first pages of Google. This will drive more traffic and revenue to the company. Use long-tail keywords comprising of two to three words.
- Put only informative contents
The content you use on the website should be original and informative to the people. Secondly, if people need information, then they have to find it. When you are creating content, you see yourself as the authority. People consider you for reliable information.
Contents also help in boosting the sales of the business. The contents come in various formats like videos, blogs, infographics, etc. Don’t just limit yourself to one type of content. The audience is diverse, so you have to give what they like. The frequency of content creation also helps in driving steady traffic to the site.
- Having UX focused elements
The user experience is yet another crucial thing to see to make the people stay on the website. Besides, build a site that the users will love engaging with. It will become easy for the users to find your site and get what they need. Please make use of simple navigation, making it easy for the users.
The multimedia used on the website should also be engaging. Make use of videos, infographics, photos, etc., to make the website attractive to the users. Users don’t want to wait for long to get information. Make the site load faster within 3 seconds to hold the attention of the audience.
- Google My Business / Local Search
You can have the free listing of your business location on Google maps, and use it on your website. It will help your potentials customers in reaching your business location without going in circles. It is definitely an important element to be included in your websites.
- Having trust elements
When users visit your website for the first time, they are not comfortable using the products. Trust helps in building a reputation. Testimonials give all the positive aspects of the brand you are searching for. The reviews are critical because these are unbiased opinions of people. User-generated contents are a great way to show that someone is enjoying the small business.
You are running a business that caters to customers from certain demography
- Adding to local directories
You can give a boost to your business by promoting other non-competitor businesses. You can do so by adding local business directory or listings to your website. It will also work as a cross promotional platform for your business, which will help in gaining more referrals. It will also give an impression of your business influence locally.
- Links/PR from local networking sites
You can encourage your website visitors to share your pages on local networking sites by using the share buttons in the page layouts. You can also add links from local networking sites to improve your public relations. It will bring the highlight to your business, and make way for more engagements with prospective customers.
Know what to put on your website to create a better customer experience for the users. Also, help in making higher revenues in the company.