Many expats seek ways of earning an additional income without sacrificing all of their free time. For British nationals living abroad, teaching English can seem like the only way to survive. As James Hopkins teaches in the Lifestyle Marketeer programme, this is far from the truth. Expats can build a successful online venture, attaining financial freedom and professional autonomy.
Few individuals possess the knowledge necessary to earn a high-rate Western income from anywhere in the world. For some, teaching is a vocation, but too many expats see teaching English as their only income option.
Many expat English teachers feel undervalued and overworked, with little reward for the time and energy they invest in their respective schools and institutions. However, for those seeking more out of life, there is another way.
Through the Lifestyle Marketeer programme James Hopkins teaches simple skills that change lives, showing expats how to establish a local business in their home country and attract a stream of quality customers while living abroad. He explains how to secure monthly retainers, earning a high-rate Western income, while continuing to reside in any country in the world. James Hopkins shares with his students the secret to creating constant demand for their services, ultimately helping them attain complete control over their income.
Clients saving for their next holiday can boost their income exponentially simply by bringing two or three new clients onboard. Hopkins helps students take back control of their earning potential, as well as sharing the final piece in the jigsaw: how to automate and systemise.
Business owners who deliver their services via automated systems negate the need to trade time for money. By implementing a systemised customer acquisition strategy for their business using Hopkins’ pre built templates, students can effectively keep the ‘customer tap’ turned on, enabling them to finally live the life they left their home country for and make the most of their time in their adopted country.
James Hopkins encourages expats to think back to what motivated them to live abroad, showing them a life with no income cap that is not limited by the number of hours in a day. A life with true freedom, enabling students to travel, live or stay in any country they please for however long they want. A life where they are in complete control of what they do with their time. A new vocation, where students help local business owners accomplish their life goals, building a highly successful business.
In business, people get paid for solving problems. James Hopkins’ students learn how to solve one of the biggest difficulties any business can face: where to find new customers. The Lifestyle Marketeer programme provides vital knowledge and skill sets, enabling participants to build the career they want rather than one where they feel pigeonholed.
Discover more about this revolutionary marketing programme by viewing the attached video.
How Learning This Simple Skill WILL Change Your Life
Want to know how to live an Expat Life that doesn’t require trading all your time for local rates teaching?Most people living abroad live by the principle they MUST Teach English to survive.And honestly, that’s FAR from the truth.However, most people are lacking these 3 CORE elements needed to make a Western income working from anywhere.A highly valuable skill setAnd sure…There will be some people in the comments making 2k or 3k a month Teaching who are content with their lives…(at least on the surface, haterz gon’ hate!)And that’s cool!Some people live to teach… Good for them!But for those who don’t, passing your native language off as a skill set is something many other billions of people can do.Hence why they’re undervalued, overworked and painfully underpaid.And they are fully aware how easily they can be replaced.This also leads to schools and institutions undercharging for that persons time and energy.Honestly, I don’t think it’s fair.So, I teach people the highly valuable skill set of Digital Advertising.In short, how to bring new customers to local businesses in my home country…Charging a monthly retainer for my service…Earning a high rate western income…Whilst living anywhere in the world.But this skill set is also useless if you can’t do the following…2) Create a Constant Demand for your Service(Find clients on demand)And when you have a process for doing so…It’s basically a license to print cash.Why?Because when you know how to CREATE a demand for your service, you literally have complete control over your income.Fancy a trip to Japan? Croatia? Belize? Just bring on-board 2 or 3 new clients and away you go!Taking back complete control over your earning potential.No income caps here!Then, the final piece to the jigsaw is how to…3) Systemise and AutomateWhen you’re able to deliver the service you provide with automated systems, you remove the necessity to trade time for money.For each new client, setup a systemised customer acquisition strategy for their business using my prebuilt templates and watch as your client pays his monthly invoices BEGGING you to keep the “customer tap” turned on.So, you can actually enjoy the life you originally setup to live.Remember…What you first experienced for the first few months living abroad?A life with no income cap limited by your hours in the day.A life with true location freedom giving you the option to live, travel or STAY in whatever country you want…For as long as you want!And a life where you completely control what you do with your time.Not to mention the sense of fulfilment as you’re literally helping Local Business Owners achieve their life goals of building a highly successful business.So, in business people get paid because they solve problems.And if you’d like to learn how to solve the biggest problem other businesses face…Where to find new customers…And use this skill set to create the lifestyle you KNOW is possible…Click the link below to book a call with one of The Lifestyle Marketeer Coaches: a limited time, I’m opening slots with our most experienced coaches in the program.These are people just like you who have successfully completed the program and have a digital advertising business of their own as a result.Their time is very limited to click the link and choose a slot before they’re all gone!On your side, James HopkinsThe Lifestyle Marketeer
Posted by James Hopkins Coaching on Thursday, 18 July 2019
The Lifestyle Marketeer programme does not guarantee results, but it does provide the tools, training and skill sets required to build a successful income. Students still need to dedicate time to the programme and work hard to see results, but numerous participants have already reported significant success as a result of their investment.
James Hopkins has invested years of his life, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars, learning the skills presented in his programme. For expats seeking a profitable service-based online business, the Lifestyle Marketeer programme offers a wealth of information, tools and tips, enabling students to build successful enterprises and take back control of their lives.