Theresa May is trying to get the support needed to go ahead with Brexit. Till now, her proposed bills have been rejected three times. This might be her last attempt as she says she’ll step down in case this bill fails to pass.
What did May say?
She gave a speech on 21 May 2019 detailing the changes in the bill. Theresa May’s latest bill had ten points. It focused on environmental protection, a second referendum, trouble less trade with the European Union, measures that would have been taken in case of the Irish backstop, to name a few. The second referendum is something that will possibly not impress a lot of people. Laws on the environment, trade with the Eu and alternatives in case of Irish backstop do not present anything new. Theresa May’s revised deal offered new guarantees’ workers’ rights, environmental standards, and temporary customs relationships with the European Union. May says that voting against this bill would mean voting against Brexit.
- Main points in her new dealA guarantee of Commons votes if another referendum on Brexit deal must be held.A vote on different custom options.A legal obligation to replace the Northern Ireland backstop by 2020.Assurance that Northern Ireland remains a part of the United Kingdom in case backstop comes into force.Assurance that workers’ rights are “every bit as good if not better” after Brexit.
The reaction from the lawmakers
The Labor Party wants better proposals for custom union with the EU and policies regarding the single market and hence are opposed to the new proposition. Her party members oppose her and do not want to give in to the demands of the Labor Party; one of them is Andrea Leadsom, the House of Commons leader. Jeremy Corbyn says it is just the same old deal, that has been rejected thrice in the past, presented in a new fashion.
May’s Conservative Party, the party in the ruling, is divided into two-the ones in favor of staying and the other in favor of leaving the European Union. Both are trying to influence Brexit.
Emily Thornberry, shadow foreign secretary, accuses Theresa May of engaging in “political theatre.”
What might happen
It seems like even her latest bill will fail to pass as members of the Labor party as well as her party have expressed objections to something or the other. The members of the conservative party do not want to accept the backstop guarantee-this will avoid border checks of goods on the border with Ireland while still being in a customs union with the United Kingdom. The UK cannot unilaterally leave the backstop despite Theresa May’s efforts to ensure a favourable exit mechanism.
Northern Ireland has decided to sign up to European Unions’ full customs code. Furthermore, it has decided to align with the EU’s single market rules for goods. These differences may cause May to lose the vote of Northern Ireland’s DUP as they will not agree to any deal that enumerates the differences between Northern Ireland and the rest of Britain.
Britain’s deadline to leave the EU is October 31.