What actually Happened?
Within a week from March 10 to 17 of this year, a boy had broken into about five schools in Paisley, Adelaide, Ainthorpe, Wold Road, and Newington. All these were primary schools and a boy aged 14 broke into to assist him and his addiction. It is a very horrific thing to hear as this is not something which happens usually. By this you can understand the direction in which the youth is going to, in the recent times.
Reason the boy mentioned-
The boy didn’t have any emotional or a valid reason for his theft. The by mentioned in the court that he had done this to buy and consume cocaine as he was very much addicted to cocaine. This horrifies everyone as, in the first place drugs are very harmful for someone to consume and the next would be the youth driven crazy over it. Drugs have destroyed the potential of the youth and you can this as an example to the extent the youth is going to assist itself financially to enjoy its addiction. When the boy was arrested and asked for reasons he mentions that he and his family moved into B&B recently as they were made homeless. This incident changed the life of a poor teenager and drive him into getting addicted to drugs.
What all crimes did the boy commit?
Well other than breaking into these five primary schools, the boy has a long list of crimes. It was noted that the boy was responsible to break the windows and rob the computer equipment of these schools. However, the law made sure that these schools were given on a total of £5000 as compensation. The boy also mentions that he had broken into two outhouses at a property in Wellsted Street in west Hull with another youth and set fire to them. The boy also mentions that he had also stolen a television from a property in a west Hull street and broke into a garage next door. The woman’s house the boy broke into was an 82-year-old women who was living on her own. After this incident, the woman was very frightened and feared to live alone as she considered it not to be safe to live in her own house anymore.
Why this is a concerning Issue?
John Robinson, who was representing the boy in front of the magistrates, states that this is a concerning issue as his family had been made homeless and got shifted to a room in B&B. This made the hand out with older boys in the street and get addicted to drugs and commit all these crimes due to peer pressure. The magistrates decided to give the boy a chance to change his life as he was doing all of this due to association with the bad circle of people. It is important for the youth to be careful in choosing friends as the people you move with matter a lot in your life.