It is fair to say that gaming is now very popular on a global scale. Millions of people around the world regularly log on to play their favourite games each day and make it a part of their normal routine.
Playing games was once viewed very differently by most people and was certainly not a mainstream activity. Thankfully, that view has changed in most places in the last decade or two. As a result, it is now much more widely accepted.
But how has this happened?
More safe sites to game at
This is a major reason for gaming’s current popularity. There are simply many more iGaming sites to sign-up with now than 10 or 15 years ago. This not only gives players more choice but also makes it easier to find one you like. If you are looking for a safe and fun online casino to game at, why not let UK Casino Review help? This is a popular casino review site with valuable information on the best platforms to use and the best bonuses around.
Rise of mobile gaming helped
The mobile gaming sector is pretty big now – in fact, many experts predict that US mobile gaming revenue in 2021 will be $20bn. The picture is similarly positive in the UK, with revenue predicted to hit £5bn by the end of the year. This explosion in playing games wherever you want has really helped gaming reach more people.
That is due to the convenience it offers; the fact people already own the tech needed to play these games and the way it helps keep boredom at bay. All this combined has seen gaming become a hobby more and more of us enjoy. While no games might be on the list of top 10 must have mobile phone apps yet, it is surely only a matter of time!
Positive media attention
Gaming has not always been met with favorable headlines from the press and has often been linked to people becoming angry, violent, depressed, reclusive, overweight, etc. Almost any news regarding gaming, was bad news.
This has changed a lot in recent years and seen gaming not only get more press coverage but also more positive media attention. It is now not only a pastime that national media outlets cover but also one with a raft of dedicated websites to keep players informed. All this has made gaming much more acceptable and people feel more comfortable enjoying it.
Gaming now a widely accepted pastime
When you also add in the fun playing these games offers and the sheer quality of the games themselves, it is no surprise to see more people getting into gaming as a hobby. It is now firmly entrenched in society as something that is not only cool to do but also acceptable.